Matt Cotter

About Me

I am a software engineer and gardener interested in making a difference through technology and community action. I am passionate about the environment, and I love cooking vegan food and spending time in nature.


Constelleum is a team tactics cardbattler with accessibility at its heart. Download the demo or join our discord!


Homi is a social platform to foster relationships between students and alumni of colleges / universities. Students can ask questions, meet alumni and figure out what to do after college. Alumni can reconnect with school groups, hire students, and give back in ways other than writing a check. Check out HOMI for more.


PAL is a Personal Assistant created for my senior capstone project at Carleton College. PAL was designed with a modular back-end to be readily extensible. It processes natural language input and attempts to fetch the desired information. See more at PAL's about page, watch our talk, or view our live demo. PAL is also open source!

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Monary is a Python package authored by David Beach that allows extremely fast transfer of data from MongoDB to NumPy arrays. It is a C library with a Python wrapper that makes use of the MongoDB C driver. This allows for fast data analysis using Python and MongoDB. My contributions included support for inserts and Python 3 compatability. See my PyGotham 2014 talk for more information.

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reQwip is a platform for buying and selling quality cycling, triathlon, and outdoor adventure gear. It allows anyone to quickly sell unwanted equipment to enthusiasts nearby. Check out reQwip for more.

Short Resume


Service and Leadership



For more, see my full resume.

I play drums!

but I need to add media here... coming soon.